Our Products

​Sustainable Goods
Made from Industrial Hemp


Large Scale Custom & B2B Products & Packaging
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Years of Engineering / Development Expertise. Schedule a Chat with our team Today!

Hemp Cups, with State of the Art Biobased barrier properties--taste the drink, not the cup!

Mass Production thermoforms for franchises-- Reduce your Carbon footprint, and your costs with our hemp pulp line

Custom Packaging Expertise(100k unit MOQs)

Friends Family Community, The path to Sustainable Change. Learn More Here!

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Looking to learn more about our products, causes and interests? Follow us on Social Media: @GreenTekPlanet via FB, IG, Twitter, and LinkedIn (GreenTek Packaging, LLC). Or, reach out by phone and one of our representatives will provide you with enough knowledge for an army of plant-based phenoms.

New Product Development: Medical Packaging

Designed to improve the lives of millions everywhere, the legalization of the cannabis industry has riddled our environment with millions of pounds of plastic every year. Abhorred by this grim reality, the team at GreenTek has invested its resources to research and develop alternative options made from plants, prototyping a variety of containers ready to scale. 

There is more to GreenTek Planet than packaging.

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We are committed to sharing our message with the world,
so ​we’ve created some great platforms to spread the word.

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